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Quality policy

Pratt and Whitney is a world-class provider of dependable engines, propulsion systems, parts and services that meet customer expectations. Safety, Quality, compliance to requirements, and continuous improvement are key in all that we do.

Pratt and Whitney Tubes as one of the world’s leading suppliers of tube assemblies for aircraft engines, we are committed to continuous improvement of our processes and meet the expectations of all interested parties, including our customers, business partners, suppliers, the local community and our employees. We also commit ourselves to improving our quality management system, which supports these endeavors and serves as a mean for their implementation.
Our quality management system includes the human factor in its processes and supports an open culture of reporting and encouraging the sharing of experiences. We are committed to continuously improving the maturity of the human factors process in the organization.

Our quality and business goals remain consistent with those of the Pratt and Whitney. We ensure that they are established, managed and implemented. The strategic plans and vision of the organization take into account the ever-growing customer expectations of quality, reliability and product safety, as well as on-time delivery requirements.

We believe our Quality Policy, based on the pillars of a safe working environment, quality cardinal rules, ethical attitudes and compliance with export control regulations, will support the process of building the recognizable Pratt and Whitney Tubes brand as a solid and reliable partner on the global market.

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